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"(Visited N times)" -- Started Jan 5, 2010If you click "Add to Favourites", the software sets a cookie on your device. This cookie is quite harmless; however, it saves a list of your favourite posts on this site. Up to 99 of your favourites will appear on your computer only, in the list to the right, on the device that has the cookie. Note that favourites saved on one device will not be favourites on others, and that clearing your cookies will clear that particular device's list.
I am not sure about this, but the favourites list should work, even if you are not a subscriber. I know that it does work for subscribers.
The flow
Tag Archives: mining
Stone on Stone
NaPoWriMo 18: 1956 more than a mile underground. I was the rookie in this work. I designed it to be read aloud. “drift” tunnel to the stope. “stope” the work face at the end of the tunnel. Continue reading
Posted in NaPoWriMo, Poetry
Tagged death, hard rock mine, labour, mining, mining town
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