RSS is easy to use if you know how; it gives you ways to find out when new items have been posted on a site.
The easiest way to use these feeds is to use an RSS feed reader, or plug one into your browser.
Another way to see what’s up with wordcurrents, is to watch the wordcurrents RSS feed through a new Google free service called Google Reader. The feed URL for wordcurrents is
— just copy that link into Google Reader’s subscription slot, and you will see my posts by title or by first so many words in a comprehensive convenient list, along with posts from all your favourite sites. To read a full post, just click on the title. Easy. I use it as an easy way to see all my recent posts listed. A list of some of my favorites from Google Reader is posted in Platinum River — that uses an RSS feed.
Firefox browser is very easy to set up for RSS feeds. You can follow the procedure for live links in Firefox, and drag the RSS feed button as instructied in Firefox help, or install the Sage extension, as indicated below. Then, after you update the feed, you can easily see if there is new information since the last time you checked the feed, and you can see the new info by clicking on either the feed header or individual items listed under the link — all this without having to load the site.
Here’s how if you use Firefox Browser.1. Download and install the Sage New Feed Reader extension for Firefox at this link: Sage
– From your Firefox browser, click
— Tools/Extensions/Get more extensions
— then News Readers (from the list on the left)
— then go to page 5 and find Sage and choose to install it.
2. Once you have it installed, all you have to do to add RSS from any site is open Sage in your Firefox browser (Alt-s), drag the red RSS feed link (On my blog there are two such links at the bottom of the right column, under “Subscribe”) into the open space in Sage.
3. Then all you have to do to see what is new in my blog is click on the link in Sage.
IE must have a similar system, but since I do not use IE, I do not know what it is.
Here is another useful link:
Technorati blog directory