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"(Visited N times)" -- Started Jan 5, 2010If you click "Add to Favourites", the software sets a cookie on your device. This cookie is quite harmless; however, it saves a list of your favourite posts on this site. Up to 99 of your favourites will appear on your computer only, in the list to the right, on the device that has the cookie. Note that favourites saved on one device will not be favourites on others, and that clearing your cookies will clear that particular device's list.
I am not sure about this, but the favourites list should work, even if you are not a subscriber. I know that it does work for subscribers.
The flow
Tag Archives: Essay
Poetry: j’accuse!
An essay in which I argue for the place of modern poetry in popular consciousness. Continue reading
Riverwriter in Wonderland
I just spent several parts of today over at Technorati searching the poetry tags for actual poetry — I’ll never see that day again. I found horrible, exaggerated, cliche-ridden, abstract, redundant, rambling crap everywhere, all under the tag of poetry. … Continue reading
Model T
That we should have to use a keypad to work our will upon a computer is so — tomorrow. Yes, and tomorrow, we will still be frigging with these crappy pieces of future with their crappy Model T software. Star … Continue reading