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The flow
Stone Cold Love
Again snot-nosed kid
in snowsuit squirms,
screams. Woman smacks,
almost knocks him out
of his stinking squalor
in the shopping cart.
Hard eyes confront.
Silence for a preschooler
on Thursday afternoon.
Were he to lie bleeding
under that cart
or a careless car,
would she wail and bleat
her fists against
her leaking eyes?
Oh, yes.
About riverwriter
Poet, playwright, duplicate bridge player, website designer, cottager, husband, father, grandfather, former athlete, carpenter, computer helper for my friends, theatre designer, backstage polymath, retired teacher of highschool English, drama, art, a baritone singer in a barbershop quartet, who knows what else? wordcurrents is on Facebook: Doug also has a Facebook page, "Incognitio", related to his novels.