My morning window

Birds sing riot in the dew-diamond woods
horizontal sun flings leafy silhouettes
raunchy basswood pheromones drift leeward

Radio voice this morning urges breaking news
a gunman killed forty strangers at a concert
children are drowning at sea and drones are

canoe prows on sand bare feet step into ankle cool water
cicada saws cool peace high and far in the sky blue heat
wisp of cloud glides white on the pale setting moon

About riverwriter

Poet, playwright, duplicate bridge player, website designer, cottager, husband, father, grandfather, former athlete, carpenter, computer helper for my friends, theatre designer, backstage polymath, retired teacher of highschool English, drama, art, a baritone singer in a barbershop quartet, who knows what else? wordcurrents is on Facebook: Doug also has a Facebook page, "Incognitio", related to his novels.
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One Response to My morning window

  1. Jabberwhacky says:

    Masterful and potent. You managed to bob and weave, ride roughshod and meader, pause and rush through imagery and emotion in the space of a few lines.

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